Bigby's Interposing Hand

Spell Description
Caster Level(s) Wizard/Sorcerer 5
Innate Level 5
School Evocation
Descriptor(s) Force
Component(s) Verbal, Somantic
Range Long
Area of Effect / Target Single
Duration 1 Round / Level
Save None
Spell Resistance Yes
Additional Counterspell(s) None
Dispel Yes
Description A giant hand appears over the target, making it difficult for him to attack. He receives a -10 penalty to all attack rolls for the duration of the spell.

Spell Scripts
Main x0_s0_bigby1

Changes/Updates for Thain
Script Change Custom GetCasterLevel function
Before Get the level of the casterclass used or item property
After Get the level of the casterclass used or item property, pluss any modifiers (Palemaster++)
Script Change Custom ApplyEffectToObject function
Before Adds a given effect to object
After Same as before, but saves some variables. This is to fix the Dispel spells (Palemaster++)
Script Change Custom ResistSpell function
Before Checks for Absorbtion (Spell mantle), Immunity and SR
After Same as before, just a wrapper for easy later change

Concept: Ankh_Phoenix and Aremah, Code: Ankh_Phoenix