
Spell Description
Caster Level(s) Druid 6
Innate Level 6
School Transmutation
Descriptor(s) Water
Component(s) Verbal, Somatic
Range Short
Area of Effect / Target Single
Duration Instant
Save Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance Yes
Additional Counterspell(s) None
Dispel No
Description The caster creates water in the lungs of a target creature. Any drowned creature takes 90% of its current hit points as damage. Golems and other nonliving creatures cannot be drowned.

Spell Scripts
Main x0_s0_drown

Changes/Updates for Thain
Script Change Custom ResistSpell function
Before Checks for Absorbtion (Spell mantle), Immunity and SR
After Same as before, just a wrapper for easy later change
Script Change Custom GetSpellSaveDC
Before Returns Save DC of spell: 10 + Spell Level + Spell Focus
After Same as before, just a wrapper to easy add alternate DC for items and maybe more later

Concept: Ankh_Phoenix and Aremah, Code: Ankh_Phoenix